100 Days Challenge

100 Days Challenge

100 days challenge is a project to enhance programming capability by set the training in 100 days timeline.

  1. 100 days of X
  2. 100 days of Code
  3. 100 days of ML Coding
  4. James Priest Round 1 Grow with Google
  5. James Priest Round 2
  6. James Priest Round 3 Google Udacity Nanodegree (Mobile Web Specialist)
  7. James Priest Round 4
  8. James Priest Round 5 Udacity React Nano Degree
  9. James Priest Round 6 Complete React Developer
  10. Reddit Daily Programmer
  11. PyBites 100 Days of Code
  12. Enlight

Last modified March 6, 2023: update (7eba5da)